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Friday, February 18, 2011

Out of Committee and On to the Floor

HB233 was sent out of committee with a favorable recommendation earlier this afternoon.  The vote was 6 to 3.  The audio of the entire meeting can be listened to online at  The item was first on the agenda and debate lasted a little over an hour.  Thank you to Representatives Ray, Vickers, Chavez-Houck, Cosgrove, Melove, and Watkins who voted for the positive recommendation.

Thank you to everyone who sent emails and attended the meeting!  There was an amazing show of support for our bill. 

The next step is for the bill to be read on the House floor.  We are working to get on the agenda sometime next week.  Look for more information to follow.

1 comment:

  1. Because Eosinophilic esophagitis is a fairly recent diagnosis for those who suffer from difficulties when eating, there isn’t any medicine for it at the moment. This makes research on this condition all the more important in order to find treatment options for this lifestyle-impairing condition as soon as possible.
    For more details click here .
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